Here are some pictures from our Barn Dance. We had a great night, good music, good outfits, plenty of alcohol flowing and tasty pork sandwiches. I think the band and DJ may have kept the Newmillerdam residents awake most of the night!
We raised around £1200 and received a generous donation of £200 which will help us with running costs and also fund our riders to attend both the Regional and National Dressage and Countryside Challenge Championships in June and July.

We welcome any feedback from the night, good or bad, and if you can suggest any new ideas for fundraising in the future please get in touch.Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and our helpers for their hard work setting up. Also to Brian and Richard for loan of the trailer, Pete and Dan for loan of American cars and Piggin Fantastic Hogroast and Hank Muldoon and the Hangovers for giving us special charity rates.
We will hold the next Barn Dance in 2011, probobly around July time and hope to see you all there.